Looking for wood lockers? Though most of us would think that lockers are mainly used in gym lockers or as school lockers. And most would not contemplate adding lockers as a storage cabinet in a home. But personally I find them very appealing especially if you have limited storage space.

You can add some lockers in your garage and since these have lots of compartments you get to have a lot of storage space for the clutter without the storage occupying too much space. You can have one customized or these can even be ordered online. I surfed around and found MoreLockers.com to have a good range of standard lockers, vented lockers, stadium lockers, and locker accessories and all lockers for sale. Do check them out if you are on the lookout for good quality and affordable lockers.

I also saw some vented box type lockers which will be perfect for organizing the kids sports equipments, and crafting tools. This is also a perfect way to teach them how to organize their things by themselves. An added plus is that most lockers can be ordered in different colors so go crazy with mix and matching them to your storage room's color theme. Or its also a great idea to order a plain white locker then decorate them as you please. 

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