Sometimes keylogger necessary for us to handle our children when using computers or emplooyer in our office, whether they use computers for work or simply use a computer for their own pleasure.
Now, new products will allow you to spy on mate securely from your computer, if you do not have, without any signs of happening. Even if a different user, the following operating systems. Get text, passwords, files, visit websites and much more.
This product is called Stealth Spy Computers ibot. This new computer Sleuth can record all computer activity, including passwords, keystrokes, screenshots, and visited Web pages.
Connected to the USB port, complete installation quick 5-second drop ibot Stealth Computer Spy ™ and move. No need to worry about the hardware installed on your computer to take all action, so that the computer user, you want to spy on mate do not know what is in their spouse spy XD.
For more information on this computer Sleuth / keylogger, you can find on the official site here.
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Connected to the USB port, complete installation quick 5-second drop ibot Stealth Computer Spy ™ and move. No need to worry about the hardware installed on your computer to take all action, so that the computer user, you want to spy on mate do not know what is in their spouse spy XD.
For more information on this computer Sleuth / keylogger, you can find on the official site here.
Menurut kamu berguna gak? Kalau ya, langganan aja via E-Mail. Klik disini
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