MOSH atau Mobile Share adalah forum komunitas pengguna ponsel yang
dibuat oleh Nokia. MOSH bisa untuk menjadi tempat berkreasi, seperti
mengupload game, aplikasi, foto, video, dan lain-lain. Dan membaginya dengan
semua anggota MOSH di seluruh belahan bumi.
Selain itu, MOSH bisa dijadikan tempat pamer diri layaknya Friendster
dan Multiply.
Program MOSH yang baru ini adalah pemberian N95 8GB pada anggotanya,
yang bisa membawa calon anggota baru. Ya..., mirip ama program refferal
Berikut email yang aku terima dari pihak MOSH
Dear nur alif
Want to win a brand new Nokia N95 8GB? It is as easy as telling your friends about Forum Nokia. Get them to register to join Nokia’s expanding network of mobile developers. For every friend that registers as a member, you are one step closer to an N95 8GB! It is as simple as that.
All you need to do is click on the button below to start referring your friends. You can recommend as many friends as you want. Every friend who signs up puts you one step closer to winning a Nokia N95 8GB!
About Forum Nokia
Forum Nokia is Nokia's community for developers. With more than 3 million registered users, Forum Nokia brings together developers from Europe, the Americas, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, with insights, ideas and inspiration. Forum Nokia provides developers with comprehensive information on mobile technologies and devices as well as with valuable software tools, developer programs and rewards, newsletters, blogs, forums, live events, and much more.
The Forum Nokia web site is where millions of mobile developers around the world turn for the latest insights, information, tools, and more from Nokia. All Forum Nokia Web resources are offered free of charge to developers interested in creating software for Nokia mobile devices.
Kamu mau mencoba nyari N95? Isi komenter ya, ntar aku ajak gabung kalu ada emailnya. Trus kamu ikuti surveynya dan tunggu kali aja kamu bisa menang
0 yang bercuap
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